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Utility to place PDF correctly on a 3D asset

Normally PDF drawing are not scaled to the 3D geometry, correctly placing and scaling the PDF to fit the 3D geometry by manipulaing scale, rotation and translations can be difficult. This tutorial will show how we can use the Novorender framework to help place the PDF correctly. The tutorial is using a floorplan for a building as an example.


This tutorial is using database search multiple times, For more information on how to search and loading SceneData, see Searching first.

Fetch and draw PDF preview​

PDF documents uploaded to Novorender will have a preview property that can be used to display the PDF as an image. This image can be found by using database search and getting the metadata.

const pdfScene = (await dataApi.loadScene("bad260f94a5340b9b767ea2756392be4")) as SceneData;
if (pdfScene.db) {
//Search for preview Property
const iterator =
searchPattern: [{ property: "Novorender/Document/Preview", exact: true }],
const iteratorResult = await;
const data = await iteratorResult.value.loadMetaData();
for (const prop of {
if (prop[0] === "Novorender/Document/Preview") {
const url = new URL((scene as any).url);
url.pathname += prop[1];
// This is the PDF image URL
return url.toString();
return undefined;

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
const iteratorResult = await;

if (iteratorResult.done) {

// Because we have set the search option "full: true"
// .loadMetadata() will not result in any more requests being made
// Try flipping it to false and see the difference in the network request log
const objectWithMetadata = await iteratorResult.value.loadMetaData();

The image can be drawn on a 2d canvas

const img = new Image();
img.onload = function () {
if (context) {
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height, 0, 0, img.width, img.height);
img.src = previewImage;

This tutorial is written without scaling or moving the image, if scaling and translations are used then these needs to be reveresed in calculation section below

Fetch elevation from storey info​

Storey elevations are normally stored in IFC files so this can be used to find the PDF elevation, if not then manual input or other metadata is needed, the SceneData for this will need to be from the 3D model asset.

const iterator =
searchPattern: [
{ property: "IfcClass", value: "IfcBuildingStorey", exact: true },
if (prop[0] === "Novorender/Elevation") {
return Number(prop[1]);

Calculate rotation, scale and position​


The PDF is scaled to fit one meter on the Y axis

For these calculations we rely on two selected points from the PDF in pixels, that match two points on the 3D model. To get the points from the PDF simply use the x and y position on the canvas, for points in the 3D model a top down orthographic camera can be used with the pick() functionality on the webgl view. Elevation can be used to set a clipping plane, for information on how to clip the model see Clipping Volumes, and for more information on picking and drawing on top of a novorender model see Draw measure object.


To move the model coordinates to 2D Y must be discarded, Z will be flipped and used instead, Elevation will be used to put it into 3D pace again

const modelPosA = vec2.fromValues(pickPositionA[0], pickPositionA[2] * -1);
const modelPosB = vec2.fromValues(pickPositionB[0], pickPositionB[2] * -1);
//Invert Y axis on the pixel positions on the pdf image
const pixelPosA = vec2.fromValues(pdfPosA[0], imgHeight.current - pdfPosA[1]);
const pixelPosB = vec2.fromValues(pdfPosB[0], imgHeight.current - pdfPosB[1]);
const pixelLength = vec2.dist(pixelPosA, pixelPosB);
const modelLength = vec2.dist(modelPosA, modelPosB);
const modelDir = vec2.sub(vec2.create(), modelPosB, modelPosA);
vec2.normalize(modelDir, modelDir);
const pixDir = vec2.sub(vec2.create(), pixelPosB, pixelPosA);
vec2.normalize(pixDir, pixDir);
const scale = modelLength / pixelLength;

const radAroundZ = Math.acos(, pixDir)) * -1;
const degreesAroundZ = (angleAroundZRad / Math.PI) * 180;
const pdfToWorldScale = imgHeight.current * scale;
const translation = vec2.sub(vec2.create(), modelPos[0], vec2.fromValues(pixelPosA[0] * scale * Math.cos(radAroundZ), pixelPosA[1] * scale * Math.sin(radAroundZ)));

Placing a preview of PDF in scene and update​

Dynamic object will be used to place a preview of the PDF in model space, for more information on how dynamic objects are used see Dynamic Objects. The dynamic model data can be found using the data api. Values found in the previous section will be used to set scale, translation and rotation.

const resource = await this.dataApi.getResource("bad260f94a5340b9b767ea2756392be4");
const url = new URL(resource.gltf);
const asset = await this.api.loadAsset(url);
const instance = this.view.scene.createDynamicObject(asset);
instance.scale = vec3.fromValues(pdfToWorldScale, pdfToWorldScale, 1);
instance.visible = true;

// Rotate back to y as height
const rotation = quat.fromValues(-0.70710677, 0, 0, 0.70710677);
instance.position = vec3.transformQuat(vec3.create(), vec3.fromValues(translation[0], translation[1], 161.9), rotation);

// Rotate around Z to match
instance.rotation = quat.multiply(rotation, rotation, quat.fromEuler(quat.create(), 0, 0, degreesAroundZ));

When it looks good this asset can be added to the scene.


Below example shows how to create a 2d view of the model and the PDF. placing two matching points on each will calculate the translation scale and roatation needed to place the pdf properly in model space
