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Object Selection

Novorender lets you highlight sets of objects. This could be used to visualize current object selection, or groups of objects, for instance the results of data queries.

Object Identity​

All the objects in a scene are enumerated and assigned a unique integer id/index, expressed as ObjectId.

One way of obtaining such an id is using the pick() function, which lets you pick the frontmost object, if any, at the given x,y canvas coordinate.

const result = await renderOutput.pick(x, y);
if (result) {
const { objectId } = result;

Object highlighting​

To highlight the picked object, we must create a highlight object. Highlighting works by performing a linear transform of the red, green, blue and alpha (opacity) channels. For now, we'll simply make the selected object lime green.

const red = 0.0;
const green = 1.0;
const blue = 0.0;
const highlightGroup1 = api.createHighlight({
kind: "color",
color: [red, green, blue],

Highlights are applied to groups of objects. By default, all objects are assigned to group #0. To make our picked object stand out, we assign it to group #1.

scene.objectHighlighter.objectHighlightIndices[objectId] = 1;
scene.objectHighlighter.commit(); // call this to commit all changes

To make our selected objects stand out even further, we make all other objects less colorful by halving their color saturation.

const highlightGroup0 = api.createHighlight({ kind: "hsla", saturation: 0.5 });

We then assign these highlights to our two groups, default and selected respectively:

view.settings.objectHighlights = [highlightGroup0, highlightGroup1];


Click on objects to turn them green.



Currently, there are a maximum of 256 highlight groups, the last one (#255) being reserved for objects that should not be rendered.