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Parametric measure

Web API's Measure module can be used to fetch parametric data based on real world position, and calculate measurements between 2 objects

Measure entity

A measure entity refers to a part of a parametric object, for example the inner or outer cylinder of a pipe. A measure entity can also be a single point, this is usually used if no parametric object exists at a clicked location.

The normal way of getting measure entities is to used the CoreModule.pickMeasureEntity function on the View.measureobject. This will use world coordinates and PickSample.objectid to find the closest edge surface or point. It will return the picked point if no parametric data is found near the input point. PickSample.objectid and PickSample.position can be used from the View.pick function on View

const view = new View(canvas, deviceProfile, imports);
const result = await view.pick(x, y);

if (result) {
const entity = await measureView.core.pickMeasureEntity(objectId, position);

Parametric values on entity

To get the parametric values such as the the radius, and centerline of a cylinder the CoreModule.measure function can be used. This function be be used to get values from a single object by leaving the second argument as undefined.

const measureView = await view.measure;
const measureValues = await measureView.core.measure(entity);

if (measureValues.kind === "cylinder") {
console.log(`Radius of cylinder is: ${measureValues.radius}`);

Measure against another entity

A measure between two entities is done by using the CoreModule.measure function on scene with 2 arguments. What property the resulting object has will depend on the input arguments. There is also an option parameter to support additional options such as where a cylinder should measure from

const view = new View(canvas, deviceProfile, imports);
const result1 = await view.pick(x1, y1);
const result2 = await view.pick(x2, y2);

if (result1 && result2) {
const entity1 = await measureView.core.pickMeasureEntity(result1.objectId, result1.position);
const entity2 = await measureView.core.pickMeasureEntity(result2.objectId, result2.position);

const measureValues = await measureView.core.measure(entity1, entity1);

if (measureValues && measureValues.distance) {
console.log(`Distance between objects is: ${measureValues.distance}`);


Click to select parametric object, parametric data will be shown in an alert dialog. Select another object and the measurement data between the objects will be shown in the alert dialog. Clicking further objects will alternate between first and second selected and show measure values within an alert dialog.