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Drawing Measure Line

Web API's Measure module allows for multiple 3d points to be transformed to an on screen-linestrip or polygon. This is used in the Novoweb to display area and measurement between multiple points. To get draw objects from a list of points use DrawModule.getdrawobjectfrompoints on the measure View, there are also options to display angle between the lines and whether or not to close it to create a polygon. The position from View.pick function can be stored to create lines between multiple clicked points. It can be used with utility functions found in the open source Novoweb github repository. These functions are placed in the frontend code to make it easy for developers to change the style of 2d drawings to fit their own application. These functions can also be found at the bottom of the interactive demo.

This a very simple guide to get you started with drawing a simple measure line.

Draw line strip

Start by storing the positions the from 2 points using View.pick function:

let point1: ReadonlyVec3;
let point2: ReadonlyVec3;
// number to alternate between selected entities.
let selectEntity: 1 | 2 = 1;

const { position } = await view.pick(e.offsetX, e.offsetY);
if (selectEntity === 1) {
point1 = position;
selectEntity = 2;
} else {
point2 = position;
selectEntity = 1;

then use the DrawModule.getdrawobjectfrompoints function to convert a list of points to a drawable linestrip

const measureView = await view.measure;
// Extract needed camera settings
const { rotation, position } =;
const cameraDirection = vec3.transformQuat(vec3.create(), vec3.fromValues(0, 0, -1), rotation);
const camSettings = { pos: position, dir: cameraDirection };
const drawProd = measureView.draw.getDrawObjectFromPoints([point1, point2], false, false);

Finally, we use the utility function drawProduct to draw the line strip on 2D Canvas:

// Draw result in green, all lines use 3 pixel width
drawProduct(context2D, camSettings, drawProd, { lineColor: "green" }, 3, { type: "default" });

Please run the the interactive demo below to get the the complete code snippet including the necessary utility functions.
