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Search objects in project



Returns subset of objects matched complicated search criterias with optional continuation token if needed


Path Parameters

    projectId stringrequired


    path stringnullable

    Path to search start from.

    descendants int32nullable

    How many generations of descendants to include in search.

    search object[]nullable

    Property pattern to search for.

  • Array [
  • property stringnullable

    Property name to find.

    value string[]nullable

    Value to find.

    exact booleannullable

    Require exact match or not.

    exclude booleannullable

    Exclude this match from result.

    range object

    Values range

    min stringnullable

    Minimal value.

    max stringnullable

    Maxumum value.

    planes array[]nullable

    Clipping planes.

  • ]
  • full booleannullable

    Preload all matching objects.

    continuation stringnullable

    Continuation token.



    results object[]required

    Search results array. Depending on "full" request param: true - Server.Models.ObjectMetadata, false/undefined - Server.Models.ObjectReference

  • Array [
  • oneOf
    id int64required

    Object id in database

    path stringrequired

    Object path in hierarchy

    type NodeTyperequired

    Possible values: [Internal, Leaf]

    Object hierarchy node type.

    bounds object

    Object's bounding volume.

    box objectrequired

    Axis-aligned bounding box

    min double[]required

    minimum coordinates

    max double[]required

    maximum coordinates

    sphere objectrequired

    Bounding sphere

    center double[]required

    Sphere center.

    radius doublerequired

    Sphere radius.

  • ]
  • continuation stringnullable

    Continuation token
